
Our volunteers are the life and blood of the club. Without their work behind the scenes, the club would simply not exist. As you can imagine with our bustling calendar, we are always on the look out for more people to join our team and contribute to such a great cause.

If you have some spare hours in your week, and fancy a rewarding way to spend your time, get in touch!

It’s not just football coaching where we could use your help, there are many ways to help the daily operation of the club:

  • Coaching
  • Planning & Organising Events
  • Managing Teams
  • Helping with Transport
  • Supervising & Supporting Players
  • Taking Registration
  • Setting Up & Clearing up
  • Fundraising

If you have some spare hours in your week, and fancy a rewarding way to spend your time, get in touch.

Do you own a local business that’s looking to support local charities and good causes? AFC Masters are always on the lookout for sponsorship opportunities to allow the further development of the club.

If you have what it takes to make a difference, get in touch.